The Mayor of Pussytown (and his wife the self-titled High Priestess of Twatville) now feel guilty about having called the people waiting for us "pussies".
In fact, His Pussyness said, "Awww! I take it back!"
We are now 30 miles from the hotel. Almost there! Less than 30 minutes.
Will it be harder to clean, if I don't do it until I come back?
No, you should be fine. And Oxyclean & Magic Eraser always does the trick for me.
Joe can say what he likes, but I have to be at work by 7:30, and I partied like a rockstar last night. I'm so tired, in fact, that I slightly burnt the bread due to nappage. Oops.
Well, all these laptop plugging problems means I have added a powerstrip to my luggage. DH is on call ( boo, but that's life) so he might need his laptop and a lamp ath the same time
Whyfor no latex ballgown?
It just doesn't feel right... I have a sudden need to lose 20 lbs. Maybe I will pack it anyway. Certainly I haven't come up with any alternatives that don't involve a burlap sack. And mine's at the cleaners.
* not feeling right just means that I am totally cranky.
Cass, you will be lovely and sexalicious no matter what you're wearing.
In fact, His Pussyness said, "Awww! I take it back!"
Thereby proving tommyrot's point.
We are now 30 miles from the hotel.
Anyone else earwormed with "The Aggie Song" from Best Little Whorehouse In Texas?
Just me then?
Aren't you sweet, Kristin. It's just kinda boobtastic and I don't know if I will *feel* boobtastic. Especially not in the midst of much more fabulous cleavage all around me. Sigh... This is why I loathe packing.
Get some sleep, Juliana. Give us a call when you get off work?
ETA: Cass, pack it. Your boobs are, um...nothing to be ashamed of. Guh. If you don't feel like wearing the gown, you don't have to, but at least you'll have the option.