How late are you available on Sunday, Anne? Are you by any chance not leaving until Monday morning? Because I just got pinged by a non-Buffista friend about a Sunday evening event involving a UK-style pub that makes amazing fish and chips and a strong possibility of pretty boys singing sea shanties.
Of course, it's also possible that this is the single dorkiest thing in the history of ever, in which case, ignore me and carry on as though I had said nothing.
Oooooh, if it's in the city, JZ, I might could join in for part of the fun and drive Anne home to my place afterwards (I am taking her to the airport early Monday morning).
of course I can't speak for Anne...but it's been too long since I heard sea shanties in a pub!
Joe and I are attending ConFusion in January. It is a scifi/fantasy convention held annualy in Troy, Michigan where we all drink a lot, blow off the panels, swim the pool, dance our fool heads off, stay up too late, and wear costumes. It's a total blast and I would like to say, "Hey! You guys come up here!"
Saturday night is the BIG dance and hall party night and Joe's dad is throwing a Serenity party. OUR PEEPS!
Here's the website for info. It is a TOTAL blast, I promise. [link]
Me, too!
I would be interested in roommating, if anyone else would be.
Emily might be coming, too!