To Do At Work Before Leaving:
Hide work I was supposed to finish but couldn't because I'm too excited to be going to SF!!!
t copies Aimee's to do list
I am sad about the weather, too. I was hoping to bring a leather jacket, not a rain jacket. Phooey.
Also, I am very hopeful that this trip to SF I will *not* get sick, unlike my previous two visits. (thanks again to deb, juliana, and sparky for the tender care given on those occasions)
t adds Airborne to shopping list, not that it helped last time.
I'd been planning to get local maps, you know, locally.
I was just hoping people knew where they were going and thus could tell me.
I'm a mostly ex smoker that will smoke when in the company of other smokers and booze. I also tend to turn to Camel Lights in times of intense stress (i.e., every time I move, and today)
I'm off to get the Reasons!
smonster, wear the leather. It's not going to rain that hard. Probably. Possibly. Maybe. Okay, so I don't own a rain jacket and just weatherproof my leather all the time.
Perkins, I'd say not to cancel - I'll bet there will be slackers out there. (Me? Possibly.)
That was close to the approach I was going to take, Brenda. I have to call a little later this afternoon, and I was going sort of fudge that appointment.
Hey Brenda. Ends up we aren't across the hall because the poopyhead in that room is staying another day. So a few steps down the hall.