Oh yeah, I found that my shampoo leaked all over the rest of the stuff in my toiletry bag. But not all over the clothes, yay
I had a similar thing on the 'plane, having foolishly put my much loved orange & vanilla bodysplash perfume into my wee rucksack. The sudden whaft of intense orange&vanillaness en route to Frankfurt alerted me to the fact that this was a Bad Idea after all. Happily I'd had the wit to put it into a wee plastic bag. Unhappily it was with my toothpaste and new toothbrush. Oops. So the hand luggage, it smells pretty.
Re: coming from Egypt - nope, they were doing that shit to every single non-Citizen arriving from any destination. They didn't even notice the copy of the Qu'ran I brought with me in my hand luggage - between that and the dodgy-smelling tobacco in my luggage, I'm pretty much asking for trouble, I know - but neither of these things had any bearing on the whole lengthy queuing malarky. I'm thrilled to be here and happy to see you all, but I have to say that I hope that the rest of the non-Americans were feeling less jaded and pissy about the whole YouAren'tAmericanSoClearlyYou'reATerroristAndWhyShouldWeLetYouIntoOurFantasticCountryAnyway routine than I was. Yes, I understand that people are afraid of terrorist attacks. But I don't think this is going to do a damned thing to reduce them - just sewing low-grade resentment and irritation. Although that may just be me, having spent nearly 20 hours travelling by that point and being a stroppy cow at the best of times.
That said, props to one of the security officer blokes, who was doing his damnedest to be cheery and charming and friendly and funny and welcoming to us unAmerican cattle as we trudged through line after line after line. Yay for him.
bounce bounce bounce
Well, I'm UP! Where's everyone else?