The Tea is now (I hope*) on his way to his last overnight destination in America before returning to the land down under.
*I dropped him off at the airport at 6 p.m. for a 7:30 flight. Despite the fact that he's a sketchy foreigner, I don't think he would have been delayed by the screeners.
It was A Very Buffista Visit. Yesterday we hung out, he explained some D&D stuff to me and explained Civilization 2 to me, we went to the comic store, we had yummy Indian food for dinner (where billytea got to meet The Boy), and he taught me how to play Odin's Ravens.
Today was pretty much zoo zoo zoo. Cashmere came down with her kidlets in tow. Big O is still a total cutehead -- but he's also entered the terrible twos, which means he is capable of throwing a tantrum of Olympic proportions, but you know, that's what 2-year-olds *do,* and he eventually calmed down. Little O is a complete honeybunny and is now my main squeeze. I got to play with her/carry her/keep her company whenever Cashmere had to attend to the 2-year-old ball of energy, which was often. Little O is just all smiles and giggles, and a bit of a wiggle-butt, but she's the sweetest honeybunny in the WORLD.
We saw many, many animals, and yet many were left unseen. It's a big zoo, and we just didn't manage to see it all. We had a VERY close encounter with a food-mooching peacock at lunch, and I'm hoping that those pictures turn out well.
After 5 hours at the zoo, we sent Cashmere on her way, billytea and I chilled for an hour and a half or so, he taught me another game that I can't remember the name of (he also taught it to Emmett when he was in SF), and then, after getting stuck in maddeningly slow traffic, off to the airport.
It was a quick visit, but thoroughly enjoyable.
And I am *exhausted* after traipsing all over the zoo today. I'm just waiting for my clothes to be done in the dryer so that I can get them from the basement, whereupon I will leave them unfolded in the living room and I am going to crawl into bed. Ooof.