So here's what we'll do.
Can you, within the next TEN DAYS (not yelling at you guys, just emphasizing for the skimmers), get basic room quotes - nothing in stone, just a general idea, for specific dates. Get the room quote for singles, doubles, and quads. I would say a conservative estimate would be 10 rooms per night, Thursday thru Sunday.
Also ask about hosp suite cost and prom space (if we spend enough on food/drinks, is the space rental free, for instance). This is purely hotel stuff, since you guys have done a kickass job showing us what is awesome about your cities.
When the city pimpers post their hotel cost + dates, we'll have a Q & A for a couple of days, and then do a vote like the poll we just did (Thank you Jessica!). IF two dates or two cities are close enough, say within 6 votes, we'll do a Sudden Death Run-Off.
After the date and place is decided, the Pimper of the City will take over (if they still want to) and appoint minions to help as needed/wanted and I'll be gone from being bossy and witch-like. t weak smile