Juliana and me. She looks aghast, whereas I merely look gassy.
juliana is aghast at how she looks in the picture. Ugh.
However, the event was fun, as was last night's hanging out with billy-the-tea and Emily and JZ & Hec and Emmett. We got to toast Em's good news immediately, and I got to see Venture Brothers for the first time ever, and we also watched Tales From The Far Side, which was appropriately sick & twisted. Good times.
juliana is aghast at how she looks in the picture. Ugh.
I think you look fab in the other one, though. That one came out quite nice.
I think you look fab in the other one, though. That one came out quite nice.
That is a very nice one, you are correct. I like that one.
I love all of the JZ ones. She so pretty!
Memo to self: keep handy brown paper bag to put over own head when camera is aimed during MS exacerbations.
JZ has the Look, the one all the books say women are supposed to get in pregnancy: blooming. I, in the same boat, looked as if I'd been impregnated by Willem Dafoe in "Shadow of the Vampire".
On topic, polls are good, place votes are good, date votes are good. Translation: I have no idea what either my health or schedule looks like for next spring at this point. I will vote in polls as they're posted based on that. Whatever will be, will be/sunrise, sunset/insert appropriate song snippet to sum up basic Zen about situation here...
Also on topic, I've noticed that there hasn't been much discussion on dates (The gorgeous JZ and the shower being a wonderful tangent.)
But if we're going to do anything on Thursday in regards to a poll, vote, or what ever, then there should be some more talky.
Just IMO, I would prefer to put the date question aside at this point.
It seems we have two date ranges to worry about depending upon whether we are in the north or in the south. Perhaps we should break the poll into two parts. If the F2F is in the north I prefer these dates, and can't attend on these other dates. If it is in the south then I prefer these dates, and can't attend these other dates. Does that make sense?
Or perhaps, when pitching a place, have a date range associated with it, which can be used to make a decision when voting for the place.
That would also work well.
I think having each location pimp recommend a date (or two) that would work best would be a good way to go. Customized for city, and that way people might be able to vote for their second choice city with attendable dates over first choice city on a weekend that they wouldn't be able to make it.