The St. Louis.
Early ,'Objects In Space'
F2F 4: Too Much Candy, Never Enough Mojitos.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: Madison, WI from June 20-22 2008! Official website.
Just a quick pop into thread to wave goodbye to Seattleistas, who have been wonderful. Miss you already, dammit!
Oh, and Jilli? I have TWO little presents for you, and you are going to LOVE them. t /shameless tease I will pop them in the mail once we get home tomorrow afternoon.
OK! So I'll be in San Francisco from August 31 - September 4. I'll be visiting and staying with my friend Jenna, who moved out there in March and who I miss like I'd miss my arms were they lopped off unceremoniously. But in addition to my time with her, I want to see as many Bay Area-istas as possible! I would love it if everyone were free on one of the nights I'm there for a gathering somewhere. I realize that might not be possible, but hey, a girl can dream, right?
I don't have any specific plans for while I'm there except to spend lots of time with Jenna and her wonderful DH, so whatever night represents a critical mass of Buffistas will work for me.
Ooh! By that time, I should be moved into my new place and therefore be FREE AS ALL GET-OUT. Yay for plans.
Jen, why not hit the Bay Area yahoo group? Might make it relatively easy to coordinate things.
I can do a BBQ, I think, if there's any interest.
Oooh, a yahoogroup would make things much easier, yes indeed. I'll definitely take it there if you can point me in the right direction!
t natter Hi Deb! I heard a rumor that Emily and Sunil were torturing you with The Maths. I haven't been in threads with you recently and was hoping that the "make it happen" vibes were helpful. Hope to catch up with you when my time constraints aren't so debilitating. t /natter
Jen, I just emailed the yahoo group name to your profile address.
Jen, there actually is a Bay Area Buffista group - not sure who admins it, though. Ask in B'cy, maybe? And someone needs to add Emily to the list, if she hasn't been already.
Hi Deb! I heard a rumor that Emily and Sunil were torturing you with The Maths. I haven't been in threads with you recently and was hoping that the "make it happen" vibes were helpful. Hope to catch up with you when my time constraints aren't so debilitating.
edit: And, go Lee, with the proactive getting-it-done thing. Also, Laura, the "make it happen" is in limbo because the man with the piano plays for the Doobie Brothers, and they're on the road. But if the make it happen makes it happen, I'll post in Beep Me.
Java Cat is the moderator, I think, and I'm on the list.