So very jealous of all the fun happening so close and yet so far. We have practice games until 2pm...then??? Someone come kidnap me. Please!!!!
Yay! We would love to meet up. We don't have any plans today beyond sleeping in (which ND is still enjoying) and going out to the club late tonight. Give us a call once you and Plei have figured out what you'd like to do.
Jilli's working today (Stooooopid deadlines), so we'll be locked away in Chez Reason until early evening. I believe Jilli is going to the Vogue (though her back is still a little tender). Sorry we can't come and save you from the horrors of Kent, Suzi!
So very jealous of all the fun happening so close and yet so far. We have practice games until 2pm...then??? Someone come kidnap me. Please!!!!
Do I understand that Plei is retrieving you? If that's the case do you want to meet K and I downtown?
Well, nothing's been arranged as of yet! But I'm willing, when naptime is over, to do a rescue run.
We are back at the hotel. K-Bug is taking off for a team movie (they tied and won today), DH and CJ are going to an indoor cart racing place and I'm on my own. Plie, if you would be willing to drive, I can come out and play.
Is anyone taking pictures? There's been a distinct lack of tickypics lately.
Maybe they sold her to gypsies?
I keep forgetting to throw my camera in my pocket.
I did buy a new kilt.
I got to see Suzi tonight! And Plei and DH and Tickybox! And Jilli and Pete! And kitties! Even
jealous of me!
Seriously, can I just say how much more pressing the whole teleporter thing is becoming? Because I need to be able to spend more time with these people more frequently.
Is anyone taking pictures? There's been a distinct lack of tickypics lately.
That's because the computer moved to the basement! We're sadly behind in our duty.