Pete! I
the new swag! LOVE! Thanks to you for creating it and to Jessica for making it accessible to the rest of us.
Oh, and also...this may be a good time to remind the Pacific Northwestistas that ND and I will be arriving on the 26th.
t bounce
Can't wait to see you!
Kristin, how long are you up in the Pacific Northwest? My gang arrives up there on the 29th.
And for you SoCal folks, our tour will be down your way this weekend, with visits to the Mouse Friday afternoon and most of the day Sunday.
We'll be here too, Suzi. We could come down and hang with you at Disney on Sunday afternoon or evening. We'll be in Seattle from the 26th-1st.
P-C would love to do lunch with as many of us as are around this Sunday, btw. Aims, are you guys free?
Yup we are. Polter emailed me.
Sunday afternoon would be better, Kristin. We are driving home that night cause I have to be at work Monday morning (darn it). Do you have my cell number?
Suzi, I don't think I do have your cell. Could you email me? (ktaylor9 at mac dot com) The truth is that I don't think I'll be up for Disney that afternoon--my guests are leaving Friday night, and I'm bartending midnight to 1:30AM for a huge party Saturday night. Lunch with P-C and the Miracleborns is probably as much energy as I'll have. Evening might have been more doable (siesta before the drive down), but I can see that won't work for you. Maybe we'll just plan to catch you when our paths cross in Seattle.
Calling all Bay Areaistas! Emily will be arriving in your fair area in five days. It would probably be good if she had some help unpacking the minivan, because it is really quite full. If I take this to e-mail to try to coordinate, is their a list I should e-mail, or should we just do it here?
As is expectable (what, it could be a word), vw was ahead of me, but I did just send this email to the bay area list:
So, Emily just left the Boston area, and if all goes as planned,
she'll be here sometime Friday, and probably Friday evening, so I was
thinking that a) it might be nice to have a welcoming committee for
her, and b) it sounds like she has a lot of stuff, so maybe we could
use some help getting it out of the van, so I'm inviting whoever wants
to/can make it over here on Friday for a Welcome to the Bay area Pizza and Beer and Unpacking party.
I'll set 6:00 as the starting time, but whenever people can make it
also works*.
Let me know if you can make it, and if so, what kind of pizza and
what kind of beer you like!
- This will of course be subject to change if Emily's arrival time changes. there still a lunchie thing tomorrow? Where? Or have I been excluded