I get the feeling the joke had to do with Deb, the banana, and ... well, extrapolate from there.
And on the trip to the DeYoung, Anne W. mentioned that wearing a twinset and pearls she can be as evil as she wants. Now waiting for a Buffista book titled "Evil Wears a Twinset".
Pete, these are fabulous. Thank you!
We'll be at the Sunday brunch, DC branch.
Yay, Fred Pete! See you then.
Love the pictures, Pete. Thank you!!!
Okay, so I'm trying to put the brain into trip-planning gear. So the evenings of the third and fourth I'll be in SF and have no plans, and probably the day of the fourth as well. Mind you, I should be looking at apartments, but I don't know if I'll get my brain into gear enough to arrange that ahead of time. My email address is in my profile. We should, like, do stuff. Yes?
Spoke with Hubs. We'll be at the Sunday brunch, DC branch
YAY!!! I haven't seen you guys in forever!!!
um, I'm assuming that this brunch location has unlimited mimosas, right?
um, I'm assuming that this brunch location has unlimited mimosas, right?
Mmmmm, mimosas.
So! Thursday (7/6) dinner is better for the DC branch, right? And Sunday (7/9) brunch is good for NYCistas, right? Yes?
YES! Well, on the DC bit.
We should, like, do stuff. Yes?
Are you staying at Hec and JZ's, Emily? I could do something later evening on the 3rd, and/or during the day on the 4th.
Are you staying at Hec and JZ's, Emily?
B'leeve so. I'll be getting in around 6:30 and must coordinate transportation and stuff. Think I'll rely on public transportation and the kindness of others for getting around, as renting a car would require parking the car -- on the other hand, I haven't yet figured out how to get to the place I'm interviewing on the fifth... aaaargh! So much to think about! So little brain! Do you have my cell number?