Tzepesh is so happy to see me when I walk in the door that he spends the next 15 minutes trying to trip me because he won't get more than an inch away from my legs.
sigh. Well, whenever you do manage to post the photos it'll be all exciting and remind-y and possibly even retro. We love you even though you're busy and stuff.
Ah, good times... good times...
I don't love you.
I *adore* you. In that able sort of way.
(I'm not here. I'm reading articles on teen pregnancy and deciding what kind of blooming paragraphs I'm using for this paper. BAH.)
I *adore* you. In that able sort of way.
Nope. Don't get it. I suggest you go old-school and try that 'English' thing next time.
Well now I'm all bajanxed and shit.
Well now I'm all bajanxed and shit.
You mispelled 'sassy'.
Hey Pete. After this weekend we will know if we are headed up your way in early August!
I get to say hi to the fearsome Pete and be on topic. Wow!
I'm not fearsome. I'm dynamically British. I think this is common amongst ex-pats...
You mispelled 'sassy'.
Shut yer pie-hole, oh Adorable One!
I'm dynamically British.
OMG. New tagline. Speaking of which - yours is quite charming, Pete. In a Crossover kinda way.
Oh! Incidentally, how would you feel about possibly being cast as a (non central) character in the kids' book I'm working on? Only I need an Art teacher, and no sooner did I have this thought than it occured to me that possibly he also should be, er, Dynamically British. (I think you may rejoice in the name Albert Woucester, possibly. 'Cause of Jeeves. Which is a gag that only a handful of people on the planet will get, but what the hell.)
Um. I should also add that there's swashbuckling, and a character who rejoices in the name Captain Clovis. Um. Yeah. I'm having
So. Much. Fun.
with this, regardless of whether it ever sees the light of day. (It isn't actually RPF, it's just that I need names, and in some cases appearances, for characters. When it struck me that my swashbuckling sea captain could be called Clovis I almost expired on the spot. He doesn't really resemble his namesake in any way, though...still, most EXCELLENT name.