Right, but if it's in the Northeast, mid-June is some of the most gorgeous weather we get all year. May runs the risk of constant rain.
t shrugs
It's always a trick, I know, but I worry that concerns over heat or lack thereof--which let's face it, can happen freakishly in any spring/summer month--will overrule when people can actually make it. After all, it was hot as hell in NOLA
DC in May the past couple of years, and it was chilly and rainy in San Fran.
Any chance we could have a poll?
FTR, June next year has five weekends: June 9th or June 16th might be possible Prom dates if we do vote for June.
ETA: LOVE Myrtle beach.
I vote that we hold the F2F in a stasis bubble that will allow everyone to take as much time off as they want without losing any time in the outside world.
Good idea.
As a backup plan, we could have the F2F in a Zeppelin that flies from city to city....
I know KateP wants to pimp Northampton, MA, as well. (And since I luvre that little quirky city more than I can say, Ima bring it up now).
I lived there once! It is the site of my earliest memory.
As a backup plan, we could have the F2F in a Zeppelin that flies from city to city....
(Doctor Who S2 spoiler)
"I get it, this is an alternate universe, right? An alternate universe where everyone has a zeppelin?"
Just make sure the zeppelin has helium, not hydrogen (just saw the last episode of "The Airships" on History International Tuesday night--Hindenburg, fire, wreckage = not good!).
Any chance we could have a poll?
Don't we usually?
Well, there's the poll on dates, the poll on cities, the elimination poll on dates, the runoff poll on cities....
And then the inevitable kerfluffle. (Fallujah in '07!)
Oooh, zeppelin good. Landscape pretty. Stasis bubble most convenient. Excellent.
Well, there's the poll on dates, the poll on cities, the elimination poll on dates, the runoff poll on cities....
And then the inevitable kerfluffle. (Fallujah in '07!)
Oh, good! I remembered correctly.
I'm going to start a kerfuffle about there being a kerfuffle. NO KERFUFFLE I SAY!
t runs away very fast