Ya'll are killing me with the cat talk. They're all so cute! This is why I'm not allowed to go to the Petsmart on adoption day anymore.
Someday, when I can have animals, I'd really like a Siamese or a Tonkinese. My mother and grandmother kept them for a long time, and I adore them. But they'd have to get along with the pit bull I inevitably want too.
Must stay away from Petfinder. I've a longstanding wish for a Himalayan kitten. That way I could have the puffy tail plus the Siamese blue eyes and talkativeness. Instead, I keep adopting strays who wander into my sphere. I suppose it's good karmically not to pick a kitten based solely on the upholstery, but still...
One of my strays, shy Squeaky, is polydactyl. He has ginormous thumbs and it's such fun watching him use his mighty grip to pick up kibble.
can't... resist... kitty... talk...
My parents have a black cat named Ace, who I call the Prince of Darkness. He has yellow eyes, visible fangs, is the naughtiest of the 7 cats in their house; and Tiny is his minion/companion in mischief.
My sister's black cat is named Sissy, and is distinguishible from PoD by her fluffy tail and her extreme skittishness. She's scared of the metal transition strips between different kinds of flooring - she hesitates, and quavers, and then leaps across. Every time.
Which Buffista conversation is this? #67?
Welcome to the cat thread.
Somewhere, Hec is weeping.
Which Buffista conversation is this? #67?
Somewhere, Hec is weeping.
I have two shorthaired cats. Maybe that will help.
Conversation ranking:
1. BtVS and related shows
2. Porn
3. Cats
4. Gerunds
5. Haircuts
Okay, I am going to KILL S. Absolutely murderize her. I just
freaked the fuck out
because Jordan's white ascot was covered in red. I thought he was bleeding, and had injured himself somehow.
When I finally picked him up and got him to hold still for long enough, I discovered there was no wetness.
S, apparently, TOOK A SHARPIE TO THE CAT, in direct defiance of my insistence to the contrary. She'd been talking about it last night, though she was originally talking about using a black sharpie to make him an all black cat. I actually had to utter the words, "Do NOT Sharpie the cat." (As a side note, she then descended into a fit of giggles and said, "I bet you never thought you'd have to utter that particular string of words, did you?" to which I replied, "Actually, I think I kind of did suspect I'd have to say that, or something like it, eventually.")
Murderize. Absolutely murderize.
Aw, now he's a Number of the Beast-Day cat!
ooh, direct Sharpie defiance! Look out!