Right. Having been foiled by Flickr, I have spent much of the past 24 hours painstakingly uploading photographs to Shutterfly via my sluggish connection. I started captioning them, but the third time that it managed to delete all my captions I howled out a great barbaric yawp unto the skies, and decided that y'all could just make up your own captions.
I may have another crack at captions eventually.
Anyway, this is ALL the F2F pics, including baseball and Seattle.
Dear God, how gorgeous is JZ?
Nutty valiantly explains baseball to me, assisted by DX. (It did make sense at the time...)
Tickybox and PMM
Morning O'Reason
Pouty!Jilli and Baby Toes! Together they fight crime!
Obey The Bunny
Absolutely positively not adorable (with apologies to the decapitated Ginger!)
Fay, it wants me to give a password for the shutterfly site.
Whoops! I had an attack of Gandalf when they asked about that. Speak
and enter.
...although I
that I've killed the password function now, and it should just be accessible. I think.
I concede, this is a decent picture of me.
I get a total Dorothy Parker vibe from this one.
Personally, I think this is a great picture of Deb. Very Sigourney Weaver.
Dude, Anne is so hot. That is all.
I am a total brat. We *have* established that, yes? (I actually LOVE that picture of me, believe it or not.)
Plei is so beautiful, damn it. And Tickybox is the cutest EVAR!
Could this be....the House of Reason??? (Now *what* would make me think that??? Hmmm....)
Hubba hubba!
There's a lot of hottitude going on in this picture, actually.
blushes cause she was in the picture
(should perhaps have said - if anyone wants any of the pictures taking down because they feel uncomfortable about them then just say the word and they'll come down.)
My favorite part of all of the pictures? Whenever there's a shirtless back in the picture? Probably Joe.