My grandmother has done a very extensive geneaology of our family. In particular, the Campbell/Bamford line. The Bamford's were NOT on the Mayflower, but the boat after, IIRC. From Scotland.
My grandmother was able to confirm that we did, indeed, have an ancestor that fought in the American Revolution.
I was excited about this and wanted to join the D.A.R. I called my grandmother to find out what documentation she had, she asked why, I told her, she laughed. I asked why she was laughing. She informed me that I couldn't join the D.A.R. because ... our ancestor? Did fight in the Revolution. FOR THE BRITISH.
After the British lost, they went to New Brunswick where a lot of them remain. The "traitors" moved back to the states and settled in Michigan.
Can I ask what D.A.R. actually stands for? I suspect it's not something a Brit would necessarily know...
So, no, Pete. I would not mock the Brit.
Well, ok, I won't mock you for the Revolution. I will for other reasons, though.
D.A.R. = Daughters of the American Revolution
Oh, Aimee, that's hysterical!
Can I ask what D.A.R. actually stands for?
Daughters of the American Revolution.
Daughters of the American Revolution. High falutin' club only for female descendant's of people who fought in the Revolution.
There is also another high falutin club called The Mayflower Society. That Joe can join. Personally, I don't think it should count if your ancestor FELL OFF THE BOAT.
Miles Standish is a distant relative. I think he's 11 greats uncle.
She informed me that I couldn't join the D.A.R. because ... our ancestor? Did fight in the Revolution. FOR THE BRITISH.
On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, and of the people of Great Britain, I'd like to thank your ancestor for their right-thinking and valiant efforts on our behalf. Jolly good show, old dead chap. 50 Housepoints.
Ok. I can TOTALLY hear Fay saying that now, and it made me spit.