You peeps with your planning for upcoming events are making me terribly jealous.
Ha ha! Yes, here in Cairo we have not just me but, crap.
bursts into tears.
stamps. shakes tiny fist at universe
eta: Hi Fay! How're you doing? Sleep well?
isn't Pete just so...( what's the word I want ) ... when he looms.
Pete has a spelling problem
It's A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E,
I'm great, thanks, Oh Adorable One. Stayed up until tennish, and got up at half six this morning, so I think my body clock is back on track, insh'allah. I'm presently being hassled by next door's cat, who is unspeakably cute (the one that he has no name for, and my flatmate calls Socks, and I call Death, and our friend N calls DeathSocks). She's SO much tinier than all the cats I saw in America - just the daintiest little tiny fluffball of a thing. And she evidently wants some catfood. Bless.
Meanwhile I'm valiantly trying to upload photographs.
We slept for nine and a half hours last night. it was much needed.
Perkins is now on the list. IJS.
Oh... photos... heh...
::sends evil mojo to Fay's computer so a certain dressing gown pick vanishes::
Perkins is now on the list. IJS.
Oooohh nooo, not the LIST.
You're not going to
at me, are you?
Can't wait to see yours once you're done with them.
(And if you see any double chins or unsightly bulges you might want to excise, well, I'm sure I no one would take it amiss.)
Luckily I have the Evil Mojo filters activated.