No worries, Perkins. SA must be readied for. Give her an extra big hug for me.
DebetEsse! If you're still around, I did not congratulate you on your certification! I'm so pleased we have quality educators among our numbers. So terribly important to our future and so terribly overlooked.
Talk about blinvisible.
You peeps with your planning for upcoming events are making me terribly jealous.
Don't forget Kristin and I are still planning to come up to Seattle this summer to visit.
Also, I know I haven't uploaded my pictures yet, but I know that I've got two pictures of deb dancing at the Prom.
I am still around. Thanks.
I'm playing the "stay at home and find stuff to do" game. Have been for most of the week. It seems to involve a lot of DVDs, and not much laundry or dishes. Ummm...not that this reflects on my ability to be a good role model for students.
I'm in DC, too. I won't be for most of the summer, though.
Don't forget Kristin and I are still planning to come up to Seattle this summer to visit.
I know. But I'm currently suffering from the 'post-F2F dumps'. A day stuck in front of the artwork in an empty house has made me very antsy for RL social interaction.
::bites Teppy in the F2F approved Kate P. Triple Bite::
Hey! *sigh* I guess I lost that battle, didn't I.
juliana, when exactly are you going to be in New York, and for how long?
I've been very lucky. I've had Tom Scola around all day. He's uploading pictures now. We're going to see a midnight screening of X-Men III tonight.
ND, do you want to meet me on Xbox Live tonight for a little Halo 2? Just an hour. Maybe at 9. I could do it now but it'd on;y be half an hour cos I've gotta go out at 7:30.
So many DC-istas! Dare I say a legendary amount?
And that was before all of us had checked in. (Western Fairfax County here.)
We're heading out at about 9 to meet folks before we line up for X-Men. Lemme play a bit to at least have a modicum of game, then we shall duel.