Hello all! I am back home, and I, too have The Ick, and I am sorely disappointed, because I fell asleep post-Prom and didn't get to make out with anyone and got it anyway. *grumps* My throat is so sore right now that I can barely swallow. But it was so, so worth it.
It was, in fact, LEGENDARY.
Turns out everything really IS bigger in Texas, including airport delays, so smonster and I got back fairly late last night, and I'm zombie-ing my way through work this morning. Luckily, expectations are low.
It was so wonderful to see everyone, to meet folks I had not yet met, and to see folks again that I already had. I miss everyone desperately already. Can we do it again next month?
Yay, juliana, for posting many of my pics! I'll try to get the rest up on flickr before lunch and post a link. smonster has a bunch, too. We'll get on that today.
I haven't looked at all the pictures yet, but it appears from photographic evidence that all I did all weekend was drink shots and fall asleep in weird places. Which, okay, not entirely inaccurate, I guess. At least there's no evidence of the FACEPLANTING and crawling, because that would be undignified. And I'm all about dignity.
A million, billion thank-yous to the very non-invisible deb (whom I am sad that I barely got to interact with, save for a quick ride to North Beach) for all that you did to make this weekend possible. Your generosity blows my mind. Thank you and kisses (because I got The Ick so I should get kisses, dammit!) to Drew for all your work putting together a kickass playlist for us for prom. YOU RULE. To juliana, the bestest, most LEGENDARY hostess EVAH, thank you darling, you made my weekend in so many ways, and I miss you terribly already. There will be more legendary. PADDYWHACK DEMANDS. We can only obey.
Thank you to Suzi for organizing the baseball outing, and generally taking care of us all. MWAH. MWAH. MWAH. Getting to meet you was Teh Awesome.
Thank you to Consuela for bringing Laura Shapiro to us, and yay to Laura Shapiro for coming and for sticking around for Prom (woo!).
Thank you to Hec for showing us around the Haight and for shoulder rubs and for bringing us late-night SA who went and graduated this weekend when we weren't looking. (P.S. LOVE AND CONGRATS TO SA!!!!!)
Yay for The Power Of The Amy/Aimees! I was so happy to see Aimee again and so glad to meet AmyLiz and AmyParker! If only we had gotten a legendary photo of AMY/AIMEE-NESS, people would realize that we are going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. amych, we need to get you to one of these so that we can have FULL-POWER AMY. It will be something to see.
Oh, amych, I have a gift for you from Hec which I need to get to you. So we need to get together. Yay!
I am so excited that I got to meet Fay, who more than lived up to my expectations of being MADE OF AWESOME, and I can't wait to pimp Supernatural to her, and be pimped SGA in return by her and Kate P and Nutty and, oh, the world. Bring it on, loves.
There is so much more, but my brain is scrambled. Hugs and sanitary virtual kisses to everyone!