smonster and juliana don't really resemble each other except for the haircut similarities and the young/gorgeous/hotness of both, but every once in a while, I come across a photo of smonster (particularly the belly dancing photos) and have to remind myself it's smonster I'm seeing.
I thought they were sisters when I walked into the HS.
Of course, I also thought that of Consuela and Nutty.
Then I had this WACKY IDEA that you and Hec were married.
Kate P's smile can compete even with the Scola Smile. Damn, she is beautiful. It makes me happy to see pictures of her happy.
How can Hec be married to someone who doesn't exist?
Oh, shit, somehow in there I confused Cindy with JZ. Maybe because I heart them in similar ways.
I am perfectly content to be confused with Cindy, any time, any way.
Aimee, I did a fly-by to the hospitality suite before Prom. I'd been at a sewing workshop all day, and I basically dropped in, said Hi, and waltzed out. I'm sorry I missed you.
Tom's been fed, and he's hanging here in Chez Zmayhem with SA and I. He has secured AmTrak tickets to LA, and he's staying over in SF tonight.
I think his stress level is down to silent screaming at this point.
We may take a walk in the park.
If y'all are lunching anywhere around here, call me please?
I'm home sick and decided to put the time to good use. Here's a set of links and directions for getting vids that we saw at the vid show this weekend, as well as other vids. I'll crosspost this to my LJ and put up a link in Fanfiction as well.
Vividcon is the annual vidders' con in Chicago; the vids shown there are among the best around.
Vividcon 2005
Premieres vids - A list of vids and links to where they can be downloaded. Part 1 and Part 2.
Club Vivid vids - here.
Other Premiering Vids - here.
Lord King Bad Vids - unashamedly cheesy vids. here.
Laura Shapiro's review of Scooby Road. Sisabet's review of Scooby Road (fantastic review, by the way).
Vividcon 2004
Destina links to and reviews premiering vids. Given how long ago this post was made, I cannot guarantee the links to vids are still good, but it does provide the vidder's names so you might be able to track some down. "Ordinary", "Valentine Heart", and "Two Words", which we saw on Saturday, were 2004 VVC vids.
Sundry other links
Laura Shapiro's web page. You'll have to email her directly for the password to download her vids. We saw "Ing", "Late Model Love", and *memfault* that great Xander vid to the Barenaked Ladies.
Here's Luck's web page. She did the "Superstar" Faith vid, and the Serenity vid we watched during the Prom.
Barkley's web page. Also passworded. She's done a bunch of SG-1 and SGA vids, as well as Babylon 5, Sports Night, and sundry others. Barkley and Destina did the "Copacabana" vid we saw on Saturday night.
Sisabet's vids. She made "Two Words", "Closer", and "Whatever". I also highly recommend "Cowboy", which is (for me) the ultimate Angel character vid.
Luminosity's vids. She made "Scooby Road", "The End of the World As We Know It", "Struggle", and "Whatever" (with Sisabet). "Scooby Road" is offline right now, but if you email her, she'll make it available somehow.
Wolfpup's vid page. She vids Firefly, Farscape, Buffyverse, and BSG.
Destina and Carol S.'s vids. Mostly SG-1 vids here. Passworded site, particularly recommended if you're an SG-1 fan.
Killa's vids (also Melina, T. Jonesy, Taselby, Carol S., and others). Killa vids damned near everything; she did that Alias vid to "This Girl is Taking Bets", and the Star Trek vid to "Knights of the Round Table". Also, this is where you can get the Star Trek version of "Closer" I mentioned a few times. All her vids are zipped and provided in both .avi and .mov formats.