Ha - I just noticed that Matt is in way more pictures than me. but I think that is because he is in 1000 background photos.
But as Epic says about me- I am cuter in real life than I am in photos. and I agree 100%. so .... more people should meet me . after recovery day.
Oh, dammit. I just realized that I never showed off the wicked cool Angel Investigations pin on my backpack.
I just wanted to pipe up and add my praise and gratitude for Deb's able handling of the Hospitality Suite and Prom. I whined at her once about how I could not seem to get friggin' beer in San Francisco and lo! The next day there was Sierra Nevada awaiting my trembling hands.
So thank you, Deb. You? Rock.
So thank you, Deb. You? Rock.
Truly, it was a very well organized and put together Prom, and Deb went above and beyond. Many thanks.
Huh. Maybe I can import the video into iMovie, and then either burn VCDs or else export back into Quicktime, thus (maybe) eliminating the Casio extension thingie....
That's it? Where's the praising and extolling of my virtues? Where's the love?
You'll get love in August. Until then, only mocking.
Heeee - I did hear about that Aimee. Paypal works (though I get hit with fees), or you could pop her a check. Either way.
I'll send it. Along with a certain something I forgot to bring to you anyway.
It is 924
I am heading to bed.
Note this, because I rarely go to bed before 11
Not sure how soon I will sleep, but bed is lureing me with the seductive powers of soft sheets and fluffy pillows
Lovely - I'll tell K-Bug she will have some Christmas money.