Also, taken at a nice resolution so that I can email out files to people that'll give them full resolution poster prints. I think.
For full blackmailing advantage? Because I am looking forward to so many of your pictures but wonder on one or two of them...
Aaaaaand, I do have the COMW stuff all written down. I will post those sometime tomorrow.
Tonight, dinner with the missus and Fay & Plei & Paul and Tickybox! Now, that's a helluva crowd.
So. Damn. Jealous. Nibble a toe for me.
Also? I didn't really get to assist too many people with their Too Much Candy problems, but I submit that at one point during the night, MiracleMan actually had Not Enough Candy.
But that may just be me.
Candy in New (and Wrong!) Places.
But it was fun.
I remember the days when we walked uphill in three feet of snow just to get Too Much Candy...and we were grateful!
Looks like superfun.
Oh, I'm SO adorable. Yes I am! I really really am!
La la la! I'm off to gambol merrily in the daisies, and sing sweet songs of jollity. La la la!
but wonder on one or two of them...
Yeah, there are some of The Stripey Tights Incident that I am not looking forward to, for various reasons. There are already a couple that made me...kinda uncomfortable.