Jake was played by everybody's favorite guy wearing horn rimmed glasses, Jack Coleman.
The Salem Slasher is one of my first storyline memories. I wonder what year it was. I think it was when the DiMera's were first introduced (please note that I have not watched this show with any regularity since approx 1986, when I went to a babysitter and started watching Guiding Light and others on that station)
Right. He's an Alamain.
Unless Shirley Jones says different. He may end up being a Partridge.
He managed Shenanigans.
ah, yes. Every soap opera has a casual restaurant/dive bar, and a spiffy place. And those are apparently the only two places to eat in town. And never the twain shall meet.
Do they still have the Adam/Stuart twin thing going on AMC? The Good twin always wore pastel sweaters, and the Bad twin wore a tie.
Do they still have the Adam/Stuart twin thing going on AMC? The Good twin always wore pastel sweaters, and the Bad twin wore a tie.
Yup. They're still there.
semi-commentary, semi-something else re the strike: [link]
the only thing i really remember about Days is whatsername being buried alive and Vivian(i think) having the oxygen/walkie talkie setup so she could torture her while she was buried alive.
So $9 a word for spec work, paid in Taco bell coupons.