But someone else told me that the $250 isn't for, say, a rerun of Lost. It's for derivative internet programming. Like, 24: The Rookie and Bones: Skeleton Crew.
I've seen others posting a similar message. I keep telling people that all the numbers are meaningless out of context.
You would perhaps enjoying seeing the number of paint jobs ruined by the combination of the ribbon magnets and Florida sun.
Oh, yes, I certainly would!
I have this magnet on my car: [link]
I have this one [link] center, top row. And this bumper sticker [link] It's worth faded paint to display them in my driveway--between the Southern Baptist church on the next corner and the Primitive Baptist church across the street.
I'd display more, but I like my tires with air inside.
Oh, I like that bumper sticker. I might have to buy that as a T shirt for someone for Christmas.
Oh, I have seen that Coexist one here. Nice. I don't know what it is with the ribbon things, but they seem to fade quickly and I have seen quite a few outlines where they used to be on vehicles so something bad happens in the heat. I only have one bumper sticker and it is on the back window of the van. It's a John Kerry sticker, or a 'not my fault' sticker.
That Coexist sticker would be brilliant for covering up an old one on the car we just bought, that reads "Buy American While You Still Can".
ION, I just finished the third red scarf tonight.
You know, the combination of scabby talk, multicolor immolation and true support of troops just makes me so happy. And so glad I found b.org.
Ok, I'm all done with the sap.
eta: Who am I kidding. I'm done with the sap for now, but I'm sure it will come back before too awfully long.
joss has a ranty post on whedonesque
Leno's staffers were fired. Did anyone read this? Man.
"Some people were crying. Some people were screaming," said one employee speaking on condition of anonymity.
I see quite a few "Support Our Troups -- Bring Them Home" bumper stickers.