I am! Usually, I'm around back at Nakatomi Plaza but, today, I was at the main gate. I'm told that each studio (and sometimes each gate) has its own vibe but Fox is so close to me that I haven't been tempted to picket line hop.
Plus, I think there were only two of us out there today, representing for K-Ville.
Do people picket line hop? and how does that work? Can you sign in anywhere?
They discourage it. I think because they end up with too many people at a few places. So you're supposed to go through channels if you want to picket elsewhere. I know of one person who was moving around every day, but signing in wherever he went, and he got in trouble with his strike captain.
Yeah, I read that and thought, "Man, Carson Daly is a douche."
But I don't feel that way about Ellen Degeneres. Am I just a hypocrite? (It's entirely possible the answer is yes.)
AUGH. From the article:
The Writers Guild is seeking more money for material distributed over the Internet and cell phones.
I believe they are seeking ANY money. But I suppose ANY money is more than zero, and thus their statement is technically accurate.
Also, Landry's dad!
And Cassie's dad (which I somehow didn't realize until just now).
Yeah, I read that and thought, "Man, Carson Daly is a douche."
I read that and thought, "Carson Daly is still on the air?"
I get the impression that Carson Daly would still be a douche whether or not there were a writers' strike.
Probably true, but I wonder if he's actually the person who calls the shots regarding his eponymous show? I have no doubt that the buck stops with Letterman and Leno, but I'm not entirely convinced Carson is doing anything more than filling out his contractual host obligations as some behind-the-scenes producer like Lou Perlman yells "Dance, monkey, dance!"