Allyson is my fandom!hero.
Which is to say, I'm in. Plastic rainponchos and all. is coordinating a Food for Writers campaign. It's aim is to provide a near continual presence alongside the striking writers. With you know, coffee and doughnuts.
It's a follow on from the Whedonesque pizza run, using the same slogan (pictured with Joss). "You fed our minds. We'd like to return the favor."
At the moment the Campaign Affiliates are just getting sorted out, but it will allow various fandoms to coordinate their own fun(d)-raising drives with specific targets and messages (for example Pushing Daisies forums are raising money to send pies to the picket lines. Hopefully there will be witty and supportive slogans printed on stickers to go with them).
Which is tremendously helpful for all those sites that don't have an Allyson!
(Also? Joss Whedon and his Dollhouse, Not coming soon sign)
And since I'm editing, I may as well point out that Joss has another strike blog up. And even he admits
(By the way, I’m fully aware that I have turned into Dustin Hoffman as Lenny Bruce at the end of the movie when he’s all strung out and not funny and just reading legal briefs during his stand-up, but further down I make this really awesome joke you’re gonna wanna tell all your friends, just wait.)
I guess being at the heart of something and then seeing an outsider’s gross misapprehensions about it was too much of a rollercoaster for this sick boy (not to be confused with Sick Boy from “Trainspotting”, who is less phlegmy and more confusingly hot). So I rant, and you have to suffer for it. And I totally lied about that great joke. I got nothin’. But I can’t let this shoddy journalism go unanswered. They have turned me into a blogger. And that I do not forgive.