A large part of the media is owned by companies who own (or are) entertainment companies, so the reporting of the strike is gonna be a little bias you may suggest.
As a journalist, this statement bothers me. That's a pretty broad brush you're using there.
Monique, I'm not saying ALL reporting. But there have been many cases of bias reporting by large media corps in the past.
Monique, I'm not saying ALL reporting. But there have been many cases of bias reporting by large media corps in the past
I'm afraid I haven't seen any unfair bias in this instance, though. However, I don't watch TV news. AP and the LA Times and a few other papers I've looked at have done a pretty good job, on the whole.
the reporting of the strike is gonna be a little bias you may suggest.
Felt pretty all-encompassing, to offer insight to my initial response.
I've been reading a lot of responses to articles on my old newspaper's Web site lately. I'm always amazed at all the claims of bias on the part of the reporter or the company. In most of my experiences, reporters go where the stories are, and report on what they uncover.
If the non-editorial heads try to influence coverage, in my experience they'll get some pretty hard-core pushback.
At the very least, it can't hurt.
I guess my thought was more geared toward raising a fist towards the advertisers that support the studios. Why should people who boycott because of religious reasons have all the fun?
I find the idea of fans getting behind the strike is compelling - but would it actually help?
Is that a situation where it would be more meaningful to appeal to advertisers? You're buying ad space in this time slot, but we're not seeing it because we're not watching "scab shows"?
Follow the money, right?
Honestly, it wont matter to anyone but the writers who are on strike. Makes 'em feel good. The audience is usually this invisible, untangible thing, until it stands in a line for an autograph and photo.
Handy-dandy chart from the LA Times on how different shows are affected by the strike: [link]
I barely remember the last writer's strike. I do remember thinking why couldn't they just start writing again, and give me my shows back?
I wonder if that's what a lot of people are going to be saying come January, if the strike is still on. People can be stubborn and selfish -- they'll want their shows!
I wonder if that's what a lot of people are going to be saying come January, if the strike is still on. People can be stubborn and selfish -- they'll want their shows!
The soap operas will hit harder. When they go next week or so, that'll piss some people off.
On the whole, I think people are more sophisticated than they were the last time this happened. I'm sensing more sympathy for the writers than I am for the studios and networks.