Without going full pollyanna, I'm excited about another show. The fact that it has caught our attention this much already should say something. The fact that there are some obvious stereotypes and mistreatments that could be written beyond or through should say something. The fact that I am more worried about what happens if concept control passes from Joss & Tim to, say, the studio, should say something.
I am Sox! I am also reminded that I didn't watch
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
for years because of the title and premise. Tricky ticksters hiding such a treasure under that cover. You know I'll watch, and post. May it be good enough to keep us interested, but not so good that FOX will cancel it after 3 episodes, shown out of order.
What would you say his strength is?
Give people what they need instead of what they want. (Sorry some one had to say it ;). That and mantaining the right kind of distance from his fans.
Josstrengths: Character relationships! Buffy and Giles. River the albatross and Mal. River and Simon. Jayne and River. Drusilla and Spike. I think I like all the ones that totally bug other people.
Is it wrong that I ended up not loving Buffy Summers because I decided I didn't love Sarah Michelle Gellar? I don't know nothing about nothing, but if feels like it might have gotten a little toxic there at the end and it always distresses me.
Hi Tim. Is this your thread? You make good TV. We like our relationship with you.
I hope you enjoy your consulting producer gig. Make Joss be a consultant on Miracle Man too. I think that means you can expense your lunches together. :)
Aye. The fact he didn't post about the last Serenity sequel rumour was made of awesome.
So I get Miracle Man and a Joss/Tim/Eliza project. This isn't b.org; it's heaven.
Oh my. I just saw the news and went down my mental checklist of why it has to be too good to be true. Today's not April Fool's Day. Check. Confirmed by Tim. Check. So this is really and truly real?
I thought Buffy was supposed to be kind of unlikeable at the end. She felt she wasn't welcome in her own house.
jengod speaks for me on everything but the following:
Is it wrong that I ended up not loving Buffy Summers because I decided I didn't love Sarah Michelle Gellar? I don't know nothing about nothing, but if feels like it might have gotten a little toxic there at the end and it always distresses me.
I ended up feeling protective of Sarah Michelle Gellar whether or not she deserves it, because I love Buffy Summers.
Give people what they need instead of what they want.
I ended up feeling protective of Sarah Michelle Gellar whether or not she deserves it, because I love Buffy Summers.
Cindy is, as usual, me with the Buffy love.
Cindy is, as usual, me with the Buffy love.
Me four. I'm very excited by the idea of a new Joss show, and I am not going to even worry about the implications of the premise until I see it. I thought the premise of Buffy sounded lame until I finally started watching it 6 years after it began, so I'm obviously not a good judge of these things.