This made me laugh and laugh. It's like deja vu, all over again.
A CBS source confirms that Warner has applied its management technique to its new good-guy vampire show, Moonlight. The mandate is to shoot less expensively, which means fewer exterior shots that might include, you know, moonlight.
I think I know where they can get some necro-tempered glass cheap.
Wonderfalls is back on Sky One in the UK at lunchtimes each day. Huzzah.
I was pleasantly surprised last night while watching K-ville to see Tim's name pop up as consulting producer. Show's got promise.
Plus, I just always like seeing Tim's name on my screen.
smonster, let's not make much of it.
Heeee. You sound like Rob about
Big Shots.
The downsides of a development deal.
Oh, not making much. Like I said, just a pleasant surprise.
Oh no, that's actually Schtim Schminear on Kville.
No relation.
K-Ville is technically the highest rated show Schtim's worked on in a producing role.