Yeah. FOX funded the actual show production, so there's no sense in them funding a full series and then 20th doing a DVD. Of course, it's all part of the same mothership, but financially not so much.
My personal, completely uneducated opinion is that networks should make a pilot of a show, then if they're unsure put it on air and see if people actually watch it. If so, put it into production. There's probably a great many reasons why that isn't practical, of course.
I think, Kevin, that 20th pays for the production and sells the show, whether to a network (Fox) or to individuals via DVD, or whatever. If the network (Fox) cancels, as they did, there's probably not going to be enough coming in to cover their (20th's) costs, so they (20th) are likely to shut down production, because why throw good money after bad.
If they (20th) thought that they could sell enough DVDs to make money without selling to a network, I imagine that they would. But while DVD (and iTunes and whatever) sales can be a hefty chunk of change, my guess is that they're nowhere near what a network pays. Plus, sales would probably be lower, because running on a network should grow the fan base.
Of course, I'm from the boondocks of Alaska and am in no way involved with the TV industry, so take that as you will.
My parents have returned from Colombia, where they watched The Inside on Sunday morning at 11 am. I'm guessing Sunday morning cartoons aren't as big a draw as they used to be.
hahaha. that's some grim Saturday morning viewing. I love it.
libkitty, that makes more sense. I remember UPN were paying $2.4m per episode of Buffy to 20th Century Fox.
I definitely think there's no market for direct to DVD (etc) projects unless it's existing franchises, as you just wouldn't get the sales. Will be interesting to see what business the Babylon 5 DVD movie which comes out next week does.
Step 1: Put the milk next to the Slayer Puffs.
Then you cut a hole in the box, right?
And then you stick a stake through the box, clearly, and I don't mean porn.
paperdol, can I use this as my tag?
You know, we could experiment and cancel football.
I just laughed and laughed and scared the whole office.
I loved your line about the wheel. "Technology is bullshit! The wheel didn't make people better, it just made assholes faster."