Now, how come you never post that way about me?
I suppose you're going to say it's because I haven't done anything worthy of my own thread...
Happy (belated) Birthday Monique!!!! May all your cupcakes be yummy.
That's so weird. Everyone has been wishing me happy cupcakes this week. It's like they all know about my new gourmet cupcake addiction thanks to a little shop I discovered earlier this year. My favorites so far have been the St. Patrick's Day specials.
And we love you for that, but not only for that.
Hey. It's what I do.
In other news, since he's one of Tim's buds, and this is the soap opera thread, yes, has everyone heard about Nathan Fillion popping back up on One Life To Live's 10-gazillionth episode next month?
ticket counter, concession stand, marquee, and its own bathroom and phone booth.
Cute. I don't quite get the ticket counter, but I can be slow that way.
Does anyone know if the
from last Friday was a Tim ep? I saw the week before, and was disappointed that it wasn't, although I enjoyed the ep itself. But I didn't know that it was going to be on last Friday, and just caught the last few minutes.
Does anyone know if the Standoff from last Friday was a Tim ep?
This past week's was written by Craig but I think it was one of the eps done while Tim was there. I'm pretty sure I saw his name in the credits.
Thanks Kristen. Did you see it? How was it?
I watched it when I got home after my Dead Car Debacle. I thought it was good. Definitely one of the better episodes, possibly the best one.
Though Allyson will be disappointed to learn that it did not involve an animal shelter or puppy hostages.
How is the car? Is it up and running yet?
It's running again. (I just had your garage put in a new battery.) I have an appointment at the dealership on Thursday to have it checked out and get the other stuff done.
So, not the alternator? Huh. You'd think your car would've given you a warning or something.
I went back and found the old bill from two years ago. It was the battery then, too. When I take it in, I'm going to ask them about the issue. It seems bizarre to me that a 2004 car is now on its third battery.
My first sentra had a working, but sluggish, alternator. That thing ate batteries. It was hard to diagnose because it did actually work, just barely enough. But give it a slightly low charged battery (even from leaving the dome light on for a couple hours) and CHOMP.