Drive is a cross country secret illegal cross country secret illegal cross country secret illegal cross country secret illegal road race cross country secret illegal something, just in case you missed the trailers.
That whole entry is hilarious, like sick people on occasion.
I'll be in Vegas on July 4.
You should come to LA on the 5th, Strega. We can have a Drive party.
Holy crap.
A couple months ago, I was on the
Veronica Mars
set when they were filming episode 18, which airs tomorrow. We chatted a bit with the guest star, who the writer told us was really great; he thought he was going to be Big, he was so good. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see him as much since we only saw the coverage of Veronica. But he did have a lot of natural gravitas; we listened to him deliver a key monologue.
I just peeked at the description for the episode and discovered that the guest star is
Nelsan Ellis.
Carter! From The Inside!
I'm kicking myself.
I mean, really, for his sake, I'm sure he would have liked to meet one of the five people who watched the show, since it appears to have been his first regular gig.
The number of shows I'd be willing to pay several dollars an episode for would result in a massive net lowering of my cable bill. I'm cool with around $90/month for all the good AND the ability to surf through a huge assortment of crap that might catch my eye on any given day, but the On Demand/iTunes model would see me only paying for episodes of Scrubs, Stargate Atlantis, and any episodes of Vancouver-filmed shows that Kavan Smith guest stars in sans shirt.
and any episodes of Vancouver-filmed shows that Kavan Smith guest stars in sans shirt.
Now, now. That's what the internet is for. That and porn.
Sadly Kavan has not yet branched out into porn, forcing me to rely on British Columbian productions of Blade and The Outer Limits as the next best thing.
Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I actually saw Nelsan Ellis at all. It was another actor we talked to who was in the same scene. But, still, he was there!
What's the Cartman joke about touching somebody who touched a famous person? Yeah, I've stopped molesting Polter-Cow now.