" The actors should know we were thinking of calling the show Firey Ball of Death."
I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked. Could there possibly be death, even violent and unexpected death, in a show about an illegal car race? Surely not. Surely there will only be pleasant pastoral scenes and pert, pretty people, and possibly the occasional landscape gone rogue?
Apparently Tim has only himself to blame for that whole "Minear, who's probably best known for his efforts on Buffy and the cult favorite Firefly..." thing.
I'm missing something. How is it Tim's fault that Joel Keller says that?
If you read through to the comments, P-C, you'll see where Joel says that Tim himself said so.
From the comments section:
Tim Minear never worked on Buffy. His other Joss Whedon show was Angel. It's a mistake that happens often.
- Cynthia
Minear himself said he worked on "Buffy," so that's what I went with. Maybe it was in a capacity that doesn't make the list on IMDb.
- Joel Keller
Clearly, he took the
tagline "Believe the Lie" to heart.
if the race in the show is secret and illegal, how do people hear about it
I hope the author didn't ask this question. (I've heard of, say, the Gumball Rally.) Because with the dive in credibility caused by this question, the inability to spell fiery, and not having heard of
Heavenly Creatures
...I'm beginning to think Tim never wrote for Buffy.
Oh. Gosh.
The most inteersting thing about this series is that, while it shows ordinary citizens who are persuaded to participate in an illegal cross-country race for a $32 million prize, all the actors' in-car scenes will be shot in front of green screens.
I'm not saying that the technical stuff isn't neat, but.... is that really the
interesting thing about the show? If so, maybe the promo spots should just be about the greenscreening.
Strega, I thought the same thing. Technically interesting, but the most interesting thing? Huh.
Oh, that Cynthia wasn't me. That's funny, because it's something I've done in the past.
People wrote Dickens' hundreds of letters asking him to spare Little Nell in The Old Curiosity Shop. Crowds greeted each ship to America bringing new installments, often asking if Little Nell still lived. People sobbed openly about her death. So Tim is a lot like Dickens. Also, neither of them ever worked on Buffy.
But Tim's name never ended up half starred out on the Buffy board. Oh, for the days, of
Charles ****ens, Alfred Hitch****,
and my personal favorite,
**** Cheney.
Jackal spotted this in Variety:
"Following "Prison Break's" finale in February, action drama "Drive" takes over in Monday's opening hour. Skein, about a cross-country road race, is slotted well here opposite female fare on the other nets and looks to be the net's best shot at a scripted entry from this season to carry over to next fall."
Clearly they forgot to mention the show's best selling point is green screen, though.