Strega suggested that since we had notepads, we should just tell people we were auditors.
"Yeah, um, how many people do you really need to roll a car onto the set? Also, has OSHA approved those cables running across the cardboard? Is Wardrobe aware of the flame retardant threshold of halter tops?"
So the pirate & monkey ratio may have been adequate, but was it optimal, Strega?
Well, the optimum number of pirates and monkeys is purely theoretical, since it would be more monkeys and pirates than the universe could actually contain.
And so she was treated like a rock star.
If, when you meet rock stars, you make jokes about Aaron Sorkin. And for all I know, maybe you do. I did get a tasty Dr. Pepper, too.
Not me though.
You could have had a Dr. Pepper if you'd wanted one.
Still sound like a pretty cool trip, no Dr. Pepper nothwithstanding.
There was the part where Tim was telling me how hot Kristen looked this morning, and how awesome she was this morning...and from the look of horror on my face realized I thought he meant MY Kristen, but he meant Kristin Lehman.
But our Kristen is awesome and hot!
Ratings: 24 on Monday at 9 = 15.7 million currently. It added a million from Sun.
American Idol Drive trailer fell in 37 million.
I thought he meant MY Kristen, but he meant Kristin Lehman.
24 hours later and this still makes me giggle. Though maybe that's the sleep deprivation.
Makes me giggle too! And I have no sleep dep.
I've managed to convince my mom and brother to watch this. Which is something, since I can't explain a tv show to save my life. Seriously, you don't want me doing the explaining. I am the anti-Kristen, Allyson, Tim. Now if only mom could get FOX....
The "Kristen/Kristin looked hot this morning" story is making me giggle.
Dr. Pepper nothwithstanding
I don't know what this typo means, but I kind of like it. "How many noths can YOU withstand, Dr. Pepper?!?"
Please pardon the tired schoolteacher. It's Friday night, and I too am suffering from teh sleep deprivation.