Great idea, Sue!
Oh, and Allyson, make them kill Scott, again. He's still never seen himself die. It's been 4+ years of me listening to his, "You'll never get me, Minear"-Tourette's. I'm just sayin'...
Also, I would like a pony.
P.S. Will it help if I tell you he sometimes says "Minn-ear"?
What happened to "TV's Hit" in the topic description? The show's not just called
ya know.
It's in the description you see on the main page, just not on the one you see when you're in the thread.
It's gone, it's back, it's gone, it's back... oh I get it!
Allyson let me borrow a notebook and I totally stole it. Oopsie.
Kristen has a most excellent parking place.
I think Tim ignored Allyson on account of him being totally dazzled by my brilliant subplot suggestion. A suggestion which did not involve pirates or monkeys even a little bit, I hasten to add. It was also an unhelpful suggestion. But brilliant nonetheless!
And I'm now planning to mention cows frequently in the recaps, and I'm not quite sure why.
No pirates And no monkeys? I don't understand.