Go back to your Sports Night.
I just sort of missed that show until now. So it's a new crush.
But TV's hit
is something I can watch from the beginning. Or, if you count now, from before the beginning really.
Is this like talking to the tummy?
Where do tv shows even gestate?
Amy Acker is Kathryn Tully.
So, it looks like for my birthday I get a shiny new TV series. With cars. And Amy Acker.
Yea!!!! Amy rocks my not-currently-being-worn socks!
And, err. Yeah. I'm officially stoked and shit.
The goodness just keeps on rolling!!!!
Amy and Nathan....Yummy!
To bad Fox could not have put Drive on after Bones. What a Night!
Wow. Nathan
Amy. Whee.
Hey Kevin, Happy Birthday!
(Does it fall on the 18th or the 17th?)
18th, here in British-land. And I thank you. Today I am 25. I shall be buying a pipe.
Nathan Fillion married to Amy Acker!
Oh, the flail.
Drive on after Bones
This lineup would make me abandon Lost.
Also, happy birthday Kevin!