I know a few people outside of fandom circles who have seen The Inside in real life on ITV4, and they said The Inside was too dark for them.
ETA: Although that said, there's so many popular crime shows where the victims are raped every single week, I'm not sure the theory holds up.
there's so many popular crime shows where the victims are raped every single week, I'm not sure the theory holds up
L&O SVU or CSI victims rarely evoke an emotional response from me--I've lost touch with whether or not they're supposed to. Despite the weekly murder and rape, I couldn't call them dark. Gross sometimes, but not dark.
My first thought was, "Hey, that's against Prison Break !" Then I remembered that PB was on Fox, which means: perfect!!
Yeah, PB's season finale is March 19th, and 24 is supposed to be two hours on March 26th. Then the timeslot is open for TV's Hit Drive on April 2nd.
It would be possible to set up some really great viral marketing websites for Drive about The Race and such, very similar to what ABC does with Lost. See also: Heroes. I have toyed with this idea myself, but I don't want to step on the networks toes --
Yeah, because FOX stomps back. I remember (the studio, not the network) going after Buffy fan-run spoiler sites. It was either during season 6 or 7. It was ridiculous.
I know a few people outside of fandom circles who have seen The Inside in real life on ITV4, and they said The Inside was too dark for them.
It got much too dark for me. Not for Scott, though. He was disappointed he didn't get to see Tim kill him -- still claims he's not dead until it airs on network TV. I thought
The Inside
was well done, but I just didn't want to be thinking about the stories.
t /baby
What is it that makes a crime show "too dark"? The music, the lighting, the emphasis on the psyche of the criminal? The psyche of the investigators?
Of course, I loved Millennium. The Inside seemed to fall somewhere between that and Profiler to me.
I think it was a little bit of everything for me, aurelia. I've never had that reaction, before. Maybe because of Becky's background, and Web's ambiguity, and the fact that they were getting inside the criminals heads. I think
The Inside
was done more convincingly than I can remember seeing before, and for me, that might have been what made it too much. The nature of the crimes was pretty grizzly, too, from what I recall.
I did love the one with the little girl, though.
The nature of the crimes was pretty grizzly
You mean grisly, Cindy.
Unless you do mean
Law and Order: Special Bears Unit.
Didn't you see that one with the bears?
So, it's Crimes Against Hairy Gay Men now?
Some of the characters and stories were on the too dark side for me, for a TV show. In a movie, I'd be fine with it. Why? Not sure off hand.
A majority of the episodes were fine with me, though. I did find Becky's character far too inaccessible at the beginning, but that wasn't to do with darkness.