Enh, ita, no big. It's a daily experiment in "What can I tolerate?" Apparently the garlic + onions was way too much.
I'm fortunate that it has been the first time that food has really gotten me. I mean specific food as opposed to just the general sick, which I've had blessed little of.
I miss Versailles, and Killer Shrimp.
I've still never had Killer Shrimp. I've fallen way behind on my new restaurant experimentation.
Nevermind. Unrelated to the matter at hand.
I find that it's best to confirm information before running all over the fucking net causing a huge chicken little epidemic. Sheesh.
If that's aimed at me, and I presume it is, I will point out I waited after seeing the news syndication for confirmation on FOX's own press release. I also emailed FOX via FOX.com, and I've got an email from them saying it starts March 1.
Now, I could have emailed Tim and bothered him over it. I did presume, however, the network knew when their own show started.
Edit: I went back and removed a naughty word as I wrote this pre-tea and was a little annoyed - I'm quite adept at making myself look like a moron, I don't need a television network helping me.
Drew loves Killer Shrimp. I like it in theory, but my fragile tummy does not. It's really quite tragic considering how YUM the sauce is.
Eh, hits like TV's hit --
Drive --
exist in a maelstrom of speculation.
It's what TV hits do best.
Now, I could have emailed Tim and bothered him over it.
No need to bother Tim! When I hear of an official start date, if it hasn't been in the press or here, I'll post it to TM.net. What can I say? I'm a giver. It's what I do.
Heck, when I found out about the airdate for Nick's upcoming Sci-Fi movie, regarding beings spawned by the sun, I posted it here right after posting it to the NB.com board! And why? Because I care.
I'm a giver. It's what I do.
Hey - ditto. As yesterday proved.
From what I can gather, regarding the start day gaff yesterday -- the studio put out the date wrong to the press, not the network. It's still mentioned wrong on a bunch of entertainment websites as a result, though. It appears there are a bunch of people confused about Drive at the Fox group of companies.
But now you know that it's more important to be accurate than to be first. Sometimes you miss a scoop, but after awhile, readers start to understand that you're posting the most accurate info, which makes you a solid news source, and not, say, Wrongda.
As for bothering, I have no response to that. It's ridonkulous.