Grey's and CSI will probably go straight to repeats after Feb sweeps
Ah, that bit I did not know. That's good. It's also clear of Lost (obviously), so the drama heavy hitters elsewhere should be absent by the looks of it...
If that's the case, great slot.
That's really good news. Now I just need some posters to stick up in my cube. See, I have the glass wall that faces the hall, and the snack table is on the other side, so whatever I put up, people have to look at.
Zenkitty, I'm almost tempted to design a TV's hit Drive poster now.
You make it, I'll put it up. In a conspicuous place in front of hungry office drones. They'll be munching on the ever-present baked goods, and thus will have positive associations with Drive. When it comes on the tv, they'll salivate.
Tim's credits: Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
He wrote many of my favorite episodes. snerk
I dunno. None of his episodes really seemed to have made much of an impression on me... I can barely recall them.
And that press release is so definitely not legit. It's quite obviously a rehash of the very slim information that whomever wrote it had on hand.
From the press release.
while some are simply chasing a rumoured prize
So America has rejoined the British Empire and is spelling "rumored" with a u?
You'd think IMDB list Tim as working on Buffy, or something.
Simon: it's a UK firm. And a paid news firm at that. The mention of distribution resale of Drive tends to suggest they are either making it up, or they've been told something by Fox.
As much I would love to have the Americans back in the fold. The press statement is true (as of Dec 14th btw)
Well done, Simon. ETA: Whedonesqued.
Well done to FOX for listing Tim as working on Buffy in their own press release.
So America has rejoined the British Empire and is spelling "rumored" with a u?
runs out and buys a really huge gun and a car that does not like a square while i still can...