That's very much how I see it, Polter-Cow. I've been to one convention before -- Serenity Squared in the UK last year. On the 2nd day, whilst I was very drunk, somebody came up, greeted me, and started asking questions about Firefly. Then about a Serenity sequel, and when it was going to happen etc. I was like, "Uhm, I've no idea, but probably not". And then somebody else came up, introduced themselves, and asked about the movie. And then somebody else. And it kept happening during the convention. Admittedly, it probably didn't help matters that I was stood around looking lost all weekend as I don't like photo things or autographs with actors.
The UK site, yeah, I was able to give a lot of people great experiences (Kirsty went on MTV with Joss, Summer and Nathan, whilst I hid). But only because the studio gave me the product to give away, much like fans of any TV show make banners and icons from the product somebody else produced.
ETA: Although that's not to say all of the graphic designs and fanfic writers aren't talented. Some are, and they deserve kudos.