Uh. Could we, maybe, hold off on the starting of fansites until I've done some actual, you know, work? I'm a superstitious girl.
Thanks again, everyone!
I'm glad that the news is finally out since I was worried that Allyson was going to explode. (Please take a moment to admire her restraint.) And it's very sweet how excited y'all are for me. Though possibly not as excited as my family. My mom's response was, "THANK YOU, GOD!" Followed by, "SEVEN YEARS!!!" hee
Also, to answer some earlier questions:
Now, who's this new guy, Greg Yaitanes?
Greg's not a new guy. He directed the pilot. So he's one of those director/executive producer types. Tim's still the dude who runs the show.
Btw it doesnt belong here I know, but did you hear anything of the writer fellowship yet?
I didn't even get a call this year, Kessie. In fact, no one I know who made it to the finals last year got a call this year. There's a new sheriff in town over there and the whole program seems to be changing. I can't say that I'm too broken up over it though because this is better than any fellowship. Though Monique's husband does want me to print business cards with the tagline,
"Suck it, Disney."
I'll delete it, now. I didn't pimp it anywhere, anyhow. It was just a little fun, here. Sorry to tweak your superstitions.
Thanks and no worries! I just am the most superstitious person you will ever meet. Ask Allyson and Polgara. They still laugh at me about the dark haired man on New Year's thing.
I can't walk down the same street as men in hats and long jackets. I don't know why. I just think bad things will happen.
My mom's response was, "THANK YOU, GOD!" Followed by, "SEVEN YEARS!!!" hee
My thoughts were actually pretty similar, but the subtext was more like "THANK YOU, GOD! (because I need another obsession OMG THIS SHOW IS REALLY GOING TO ROCK NOW)" followed by "FIVE YEARS!!! (that I've been saying my crazy Buffista friends are so damned brilliant, and now the world gets to see it on network teevee)"
So many congrats and SQUEEs!
I can't walk down the same street as men in hats and long jackets. I don't know why. I just think bad things will happen.
Is this a common superstition? I've never heard of it before, but it opens up all new screwing with people potential.
I wanna exclusive interview with Kristen! Dibs! I call dibs!
...Sooooooo cool.
Kristen, that's wonderful news! Think of how you'll be able to taunt and torture us all in the spoiler thread... Think of the bribes we'll offer to know who you will kill next! Think of the bribes we'll offer to have people killed!
OMG Kristen! Rock on, you star!
I'm so pleased for you, and congratulations Tim on snapping up a brilliant new writer!