Why would a person pierce an ear or an eyebrow or a tongue?
Jilli's answer hadn't posted when I loaded the page, and asked the question.
Piercing like you linked to in that picture though? Do I think people ought to be free to do it? I absolutely do. Do I understand the motive for that sort of extreme piercing, the way I do for an ear piercing, eyebrow piercing or tongue piercing? Not so much.
(Okay seriously folks -- nobody thinks that a company called Cyberdyne building a robot named HAL is asking for trouble? NOBODY?)
I do, Jess. I'm just slow in catching up.
Oh, I didn't even notice the name of the company. Extra spooky.
Okay seriously folks -- nobody thinks that a company called Cyberdyne building a robot named HAL is asking for trouble? NOBODY?
All we have to do is pass legislation prohibiting the HALs from using Skynet....
All we have to do is pass legislation prohibiting the HALs from using Skynet
By then it will be too late!
On Online Identity. I'd never heard the term pseudonymity before. I like it.
I think this is an interesting thought exercise, but "Jesus Walked on Ice, Study Says" is just asking for trouble.
Map an IP.
Bra straps made for showing.
I understand the motive for that sort of extreme piercing, the way I do for an ear piercing, eyebrow piercing or tongue piercing?
What is the motive for an eyebrow piercing? Only one of my piercings had a motive other than "Hey! I want that!" I don't want back piercings, but I don't feel it needs (although it may have) any complex motivation.
It's the high-tech way to create the evil hand.
By then it will be too late!
Not if we invent time machines first. And maintain an up-to-date database of all Sarah Connors.
A digital sign of our times -- at 1:02:03 am tomorrow morning, April 5, 2006, it will be 01-02-03-04-05-06.
This is for us Yanks. Other parts of the world, this number sequence will take place on May 4, 2006 (or 4 May 2006).