I know I've seen ones with silver hardware. Check the info, because they may offer to change hardware to suit your needs.
The hardware's fine. But the lace used for the prettiest of the belts is red/gold or black/gold.
Still, I have some fuel for poking around eBay. You and Betsy are annoying like that.
The red brocade belt is making me whimper with longing. Curse this budget that makes it impossible for me to justify spending almost $50 on a belt!
(Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I've ever spent more than $20 on a belt, and that one had a handmade pewter faux-medieval sun belt buckle and was exactly $20 and was severely marked down or I'd never have looked at it. Maybe I'm not budgeting, maybe I'm just cheap.)
maybe I'm just cheap
There's a belt I really want that costs $80. They don't have it in my size, though. So I don't have to confront my willingness to spend that much on such a small item (it's a metal chain belt with enameled flowers for part of it--it's very pretty).
Dept. of totally random: This morning my boss saw a teenage patient who had lots of piercings all over his face and one on his back. I'm completely mystified, and afraid to image Google. Where exactly does one pierce one's back? On purpose?
Still, I have some fuel for poking around eBay. You and Betsy are annoying like that.
I prefer to think of it as helpful. Or enabling.
Where exactly does one pierce one's back?
I can't picture it -- backs are too flat to pierce! (Also, how do you lie down without it poking you? Wouldn't that be incredibly annoying to sleep with?)
[eta: And um, Google Imaging this is not worksafe. As I now know.]
You can pierce any flesh, really.
Where exactly does one pierce one's back?
Typically, down either side of your spine. But, could be all over, too.
(sure to be an x-post)