is there a scent or flavor that acts as even a mild block or pleasent distraction?
Oh, nice. I don't have anything around now, but that might totally work. I'll have to sniff around at home.
Perfume chick left. I can restart breathing through my nose.
A fan? Febreze or some other nose numbing thing? I use this thing from Origins for sinus pain [link] it's something that's heavily minty and tingly. Clears my sinuses right out. And I think it makes me smell nothing else.
And a desk fan! This is what other people are for, to do all the heavy thinking.
That mint would set me right off. But other scents might work...
Sumi, I agree with you on [PR]
Chloe and Santino's new outfits. I think maybe #10 for Daniel's.
I know that coffee beans are used as a scent clearer in perfume stores and other scent heavy places.
Also? I think you can speak to someone about scents triggering you. I have heard of offices having a policy of no perfumes and if there is an employee eating area or break room, popcorn boy could maybe be asked to keep his smelly snacks in there and to only have non-smelly snacks in the work area.
I can't ask the guy four cubes over to not eat popcorn,
A lot of offices don't allow popcorn because it can be such a distraction. (My office has popcorn going in the kitchen all day long, but I digress...) If it's a frequent problem, it might be worth finding out if you can quietly put a bug in someone's ear.
Both of those could be worked on, given sufficient alcohol.
Five seconds looking at my work inbox will do the trick quite nicely. But I'd take the alcohol anyway.
Hell, I bet she'd carry the large caliber weapon if we just gave her one.
Yes, please.
and seriously, this is why big offices should have anonymous ways to make suggestions to HR/employee relations.
Is there an OHS person in your office, ita? You should talk to them.
I'm okay with asking people in my group to ease it up with the perfume and the popcorn (and I have, successfully). But the guy four cubes over (actually, it's more like 6) doesn't know me from Eve, and probably thinks he's far away enough from me that it shouldn't matter.
There are about 1100 people in this building. About 450 of them sit unseparated by walls on my floor, and maybe 550 in a similarly open area on the floor below, and I'm basically right on a balcony looking over them. Not counting visitors, at least 100 people who have no idea who I am could cause me a migraine by doing something perfectly normal at their desk.
I could go to HR and ask about accomodation, but I should probably start with the fan and the coffee. I totally vote coffee or that Aveda anti-humectant.