How can people get to Monday without noticing the time change? I'd love to have Sundays that divorced from the world...but I never have.
I don't really leave the house much on weekends unless I have specific plans. I don't think I stepped foot outside between Friday night and this morning. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes (especially with homework) that's the way it works out. Were it not for vw, I'd have been reliant on noticing the little blurb on MSN's homepage or being late today.
Also, Matt, my cooperating teacher did exactly the same thing -- reset every clock in the house except the alarm clock. You're not really my cooperating teacher, are you?
Prison Break:
aw damn, now I feel sorta bad for the evil guard. and like the nice cell mate is an idiot and Maricruz should dump his ass
I just turned on the end of Deal or No Deal, and it's the same girl from the last end-of-an-episode I saw! Which, apparently, was the last one on. But she's been on for an hour "playing" this stupid game? I don't understand America. The girl is also the Long Island version of a friend of mine from Jersey.
I'm going to partway blame all the cold meds he's on, but here he is at a major cancer conference and he's mocking all the absent minded, socially bent scientists he's dealing with and I'm like DUDE! You've gotten lost THREE TIMES and had to get directions from people NOT IN THE CITY. And you had a MAP this time!
Your brother is a hoot. I get the impression he'd be great friends with Plei's brother, but I can't remember the Plei-brother stories, except a vague memory that they always concern her finding
bank for him.
Emily, how do you like your job, so far? Is your cooperating teacher from your own discipline, or do they mix it up?
Prison Break: Man, can Wentworth Miller wear a suit. DAYUM.
I'm going to partway blame all the cold meds he's on, but here he is at a major cancer conference and he's mocking all the absent minded, socially bent scientists he's dealing with and I'm like DUDE! You've gotten lost THREE TIMES and had to get directions from people NOT IN THE CITY. And you had a MAP this time!
I love him, he makes me laugh (I spent most of the not-giving-directions part of the 90 minute call laughing,) but the boy needs a minder. Or a GPS implanted.
Sarameg I can totally sympathize with your brother. I have no sense of direction. I can get lost in a closet. If I sit too long in the living room I have to pause after standing up to get my bearings. Strange city, map or no map - gonna get lost.
Argh. Speaking of virii, Hec just came home, lugging a pink and droopy Emmett, who is feverish to the tune of 101.4, poor thing. He's lying in a sludgy heap on the couch, kind of watching
Ed, Edd & Eddy
but mostly in a haze. Must go make him jello in a fancy glass, per Hec's instructions (Hec gets to give me instructions because he's out doing the laundry).
but I can't remember the Plei-brother stories, except a vague memory that they always concern her finding his bank for him.
WaMus! I think of him everytime I see one of those banks. Which is frighteningly frequent now that I am in Portland.
I can't remember his name, but I can find his bank.
He's lying in a sludgy heap on the couch, kind of watching Ed, Edd & Eddy
Emmett does a frighteningly accurate (and fucking HILARIOUS) Ed impression.
Poor Emmett!
So, I just told my father it's 10pm where he lives, not 9, to his surprise. But that's more a woke-up-in-Chicago issue than a DST issue.