If Rice makes time for exercise as one of the busiest people in the world, so can most anyone.
Oh, sure, the fact that she manages to fit it in around her two jobs, hour-each-way commute on the city bus, picking the kids up at daycare, making Kraft Dinner, helping with homework, doing the laundry, and getting set to head back out to the bus stop by 7 the next morning after doing all of the above in reverse...amazing she still makes it to the gym she can't afford anyway, not without doing without field-trip fees, birthday presents, heat, etc...
Oh, wait, that's not her. Nevermind.
Jesse - stop with the negativity. Sue needs to move here and you are ot helping with the marketing.
Thursdays are my crazy day and for somereason today is crazy for everyone else too - lots of tension in the office.
Sue, I stole your line for my tag! Hope that's okay.
As aurelia said, I live and work about 10 minutes south of the Wisconsin border.
Whew, Kalshane. At least your nightmare CIO is not my former nightmare. I dreamt last night that it was him, and I felt so guilty for having exported my problems to another Buffista. (Like I had anything to do with his ouster here.) Here's hoping your CIO keeps up the short-timer MO.
It's eerie how alike it was. Thanks for setting my mind at ease, K.
ION, it's gotten colder here, but no flakage. Well, okay, but I mean weather-wise.
Off to smoke a cig and tell my workmate about the duplicate CIOs.
Jesse - stop with the negativity. Sue needs to move here and you are ot helping with the marketing.
I did meant to clarify our definition of "reasonable." It's not even freezing here today! Balmy.
Jesse - stop with the negativity. Sue needs to move here and you are not helping with the marketing.
Oh, if anything, it's the heat of the summers that will deter me more than the winters.
Tag away Brenda!
Sometimes it snows in April.
Sometimes it snows the last weekend in May.
Sue reminds me I need to try and get a new A/C before the high summer prices. Possibly a freecycle listing this weekend.
May and June are the two foggiest months of the year here, in the foggiest city in the country. So you go from winter to fog.