I think because more people have off Sunday than Saturday.
More people have Saturday off than Friday here, and still they set the clock on Thursday night. Which I think is a good idea, even when I do have to work on the relevant Fridays.
it's a really nice day outside
We call "Daylight Savings Time" a "Summer clock" (and when we return to the regular clock, it's "Winter clock"). In honor of that, after more than a month of a beautiful weather and a few scorches, as is the way of Israeli springs, we got a full winter's weather today. It's probably the very last of the year, and I'm enjoying it very much, wet feet and all.
I need a lot of room to spread papers out
I usually do it on a bed or on a sofa, with papers spread all over them as well as the floor. And I can't get up in the middle, because they're in a certain order, too.
I got spam from Irony O. Cutthroat and Lovelorn E. Bloodsuckers this morning. Are we sure no Buffistas are working in email sales?
(Also, hi, Emily! It's been forever since we posted together! How are you doing?)
Hi! Um... doing. Totally up and down, really swamped. This lesson plan thing is more exhausting than I thought -- it's not that I can't think of things to do, I just can't think how to write them down!
How are you, lovely Israeli lady?
Irony O. Cutthroat and Lovelorn E. Bloodsuckers
Oh, all the spam I got lately was for the middle east peace process and the (then upcoming) elections. Can I at least get the names from your spam? Especially with JZ's theory of my future pirate-dating.
it's not that I can't think of things to do, I just can't think how to write them down!
The phrasing, putting in exact order, including imagining the responses of the class and how to take them from point A to point Z through all the relevant points on the way - that's more often more difficult than actually deciding what to say. At least for me.
As for me, well, the usual. The elections mess is soon going to be gone (and will probably show that nothing changes), Passover mess is soon going to devour us all, starting from the bottom (where most crumbs and dust are hiding, of course), and I'm way too behind on my research.
Are you getting to actually teach now? Which classes? What material? [Edit: oh, and you're lovely!]
Did everyone* remember to turn their clocks forward?
Heh. Thanks for the reminder.
The cat was in fact poking me at the usual time to feed her.
Kristin! Good luck with the move to the new school! And how are you doing otherwise?
The cat was in fact poking me at the usual time to feed her.
At the usual hour as the new clock showed it, or the usual hour according to the old clock?
These clock-changes things shouldn't be so complicated. How come they are?
Snerk. An article about Jews and the werewolf mythology, which a bunch of Buffy references. (This article is making me roll my eyes, a lot, and remember a bunch of papers I wrote in college where my aim pretty much became "stretch this metaphor far enough that I can get another two pages out of it.") [link]
Nilly, doing well overall. I'm really sad about leaving my students and my department, though. It just is the best move for me, I think.
It just is the best move for me, I think.
Well, if you stayed there and were unhappy, it wouldn't be good to any of you, right?