My house is a freaking mess until I get this paper done. Tom has been really focusing on the garden, the shopping, the cooking, and the everyday kitchen cleaning while I've been holed up on the third floor. The other stuff (big cleaning) is really my deal. He does more the day -to-day week day stuff, I do the big weekend type cleaning. But not for the last, oh, 2 months. Though Tom has also been doing vacuuming.
OK, now I feel WAY guilty for putzing around on teh internet. I am getting my research schwerve on right now, FOR REALS.
The cooking has started. 2 chicken and veggies in foil are in the oven and more chicken got grilled up for salads later this week.
Also the cat grass repotted.
Hah. I no longer have cat grass. Because Devi didn't eat it, but she slept in it. Which killed it.
I ran errands all over and managed to get to the vet's to pick up more catfood for Mister Kitty. Who is still famous there.
And now I realize I need to go back out. And I ought to declutter, because it is reaching critical mass. But I probably won't.
Saturday at Chez Zmayhem is quiet and unproductive, but on the other hand (so to speak) nobody is screaming while their finger is trapped in a car door.
We skipped the Little League parade this morning (too wet), our game is rained out. We will show up for practice before the pictures. The manager knows Emmett's finger will make fielding or hitting unlikely today, but mostly wants to chat about baserunning.
Emmett's reading his entire run of Teen Titans Go. JZ's eating a quesadilla and reading Peace Like A River. I'm reviewing every single Tom Waits thing on You Tube. (There's a lot, including many rare performances and a great fan-made video set to "Circus" from Real Gone).
We'll probably go see Ice Age 2 this afternoon, then Burgermeister for burgers and shakes.
David, did you ever get to check that LL thing out? The 2006 site is up now.
Turbo Tax is frustrating me -- it took me through this whole How it Works section and then wouldn't take me back to the actual Federal Return section.
Sumi -- I used Turbo Tax last year, but this year it wasn't too frustrating. I ended up going with HR Block, the website is much easier to use.
David, did you ever get to check that LL thing out? The 2006 site is up now.
Sorry, I've been distracted. However, I now have plenty of free time.
Sounds nice.
I read "Clockers" before bed last night and gave myself coke-dealer nightmares...It really is great, but I should do something else before sleeping.
Mopping is so frustrating for me. I mop and I rinse, and I pull up so much dirt, and yet the floor is still disgusting.