See, if I was a game programmer, I'd totally come up with games like "Desert Bus." I once wrote a text-based space game for my Radio Shack PC-1 where no matter what you'd do you'd be killed in your first move.
I wrote a game for the Commodore PETs at high school that did the same thing.
I played a lot of text-based games that did the same thing, but I always thought it was me.
Heh - me too. I just assumed I was really bad at text games. Damn you wiley programmers!
View from my desk. (It didn't come out that well, but we're in the middle of a snowstorm here.)
I'm watching the Terry Gilliam episode of the Python retrospective.
I saw the end of that. Amen to the
unholy mind-fuckedness of it
Huh. Part of the nightwatch last night. And here I am with the morning team. Except can it official without Theodosia?
All retirees should have a booty if they want. Or possibly booty.
Tommy, no to 8 hours of simulated bus driving across the desert, but possibly yes to certain death, because I know you'd do it imaginatively varied with maximum gore.
Cool picture, Jess! I see Lilly Land and Conseco Fieldhouse from my window. Beyond that is the haze of southside Indy.
Funnel-head fashion: [link] [link]
aww... you and your dog can have matching cones on you head...
They use the term ready-to-wear in ways I never would.
My sister succumbed to the lure of a dress she didn't need yesterday. Priciest dress she's ever bought. She sent pictures last night. Damn, with my whole trying to mix it up a bit I haven't hit a note like that. Cream coloured dress covered in large butterflies. Sheath with an empire waist and large pleats that start mid-thigh. Low round neckline, no sleeves, and the kicker is the bow on the left strap. Oh, and piping. Orthoepy would love the detailing, I swear.
Excellent job.
There was a "game" that came on one of our macs way back when (early-mid 80s, I'm guessing) in which the goal was to thread a camel through the eye of a needle. You had a choice of camels, though I can't quite recall the names. And of course, it couldn't be done.
We tormented many a friend with that game.
Kalshane, you're not in Wisconsin, are you? Because every. single word. you wrote, from the arbitrary and meaningless review to the unilateral reorganization, is what Former Evil Boss did here. He's now a CIO in Wisconsin. Dear lord, I hope it's not him.
As aurelia said, I live and work about 10 minutes south of the Wisconsin border.
When he first started here, he rattled off all the different places he worked. It seems like he works in a place for 6 months to a year, "fixes" everything, gets bored and moves on.
At this point I'm kind of hoping he sticks to his pattern.
(It didn't come out that well, but we're in the middle of a snowstorm here.)
As are we, though I have no camera. The sky is currently filled with big, fat flakes and the ground is turning white at an astonishing rate.