I still find the statement a little... off somehow. It's not like people who got their million dollar home through wages alone are living the high life, millionaire style. Plus, I'm still getting stuck on the word "oftentimes," as it makes it sound like a significant minority, or even a mojority of millionaires got there through wages alone, and I still find that hard to believe. Even the people who got there mostly through wages probably also managed some good investment moves to get over the hump. And wouldn't those count as not just "wages alone"? For that matter, if someone is technically a millionaire because of the value of of their home, doesn't that mean they became millionaires through real estate investement, particularly if their home appreciated in value, even if the original home loan was obtained and paid off through "wages alone"?
I recall a study that found that most millionaires had basically got there through being small business owners, and winding up being somewhat larger business owners. Not particularly high flyers as such. But this was back in the early 90s, and I think there have since been changes in the high-net-worth composition.
I will also note that my older brother apparently thinks that I am a millionaire, because
a) He has been smoking the good crack (no, really), and
2. He belongs to a Papuan tribe whose counting system runs "One, two, three, many".
But the whole thing is like that, not just that sentence.
Fair point. I don't know why I fixated on that particular clause in the piece. I just did.
Jesse, I'm totally with you re: PR.
PR: I know, it's as soon as
Daniel was so positive about how great his line was and then Tim was so non-reacting, I'm all, "uh-oh". I enjoyed Tim's visits with Chloe and with Santino very much. Chloe's back story is so interesting. And so is Santino's.
From much earlier today:
ION, apparently this entire reorganization was devised by the new CIO, without any input from the existing managers, directors or employees. Whee.
Kalshane, you're not in Wisconsin, are you? Because every. single word. you wrote, from the arbitrary and meaningless review to the unilateral reorganization, is what Former Evil Boss did here. He's now a CIO in Wisconsin. Dear lord, I hope it's not him.
Huh. I was so overjoyed at his departure, I've never spared a thought for those who've inherited him. Bless.
Joy. CIO just called an all-hands meeting for Friday at 4pm. It's only supposed to be an hour, but our meetings always, always, always go at least an hour long. Nothing like staying late on a Friday.
good god. That's him, too. If the meeting was scheduled for an hour, by gum he was gonna keep talking whether there was anything left to talk about or not. Google "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" to see a lovely portrait.
IHeightN, I am 5'7" or 5'8" - or somewhere in between. I'm number-impaired, and this seems to be one I can't retain. My little sister is 5'11.5" and great to go shopping with. I can always find her over the racks.
Millionaires: I got nothin.
Kalshane is near Wisconsin.
The last two days at work I've been favoring my left shoulder since it seems to hurt any time my elbow leaves my side. Now the muscles in my right shoulder are sore. woo-hoo.
My definition of millionaire, I realise, wasn't >=$1M in assets, but that they grossed at least a mil a year. The relatives that I have that are millionaires (by my terms) are small business owners + doctors with their own practice.
simple wages? Does that mean no investments or lottery wins?
Uh...no need to answer right away. I have to go pop some pills and burrow under covers. I have no clear plan for surviving tomorrow, except the knowledge that if I don't make it through the day, I don't get to the nerve block.
And I refuse to take a sick day. I just can't.
What are simple wages? Does that mean no investments or lottery wins?
I think that was bugging me too. I haven't the slightest idea what "simple wages" are supposed to include or exclude.
Kalshane is near Wisconsin.
Oh dear.
aurelia, ow. Want a Percocet? I haven't needed one for a couple of days, touch wood.
ita, I hope you have had a restful night's sleep before reading this. Best thoughts for getting through and getting what you need today.
I'm going to try that sleep thing myself.
I have drugs too. Soon they will work, and there will be tomorrow.